Wrestling Space Spawards

30.10.2011 16:08

Blíží se konec roku a my budeme udělovat poprvé ceny Wrestling Space Spawards. Nominace budou zveřejněny 11.11.2011 a budou se vyhlašovat následující kategorie: Superstar of the Year

                                                     Tag Team of the Year

                                                      Breakout Star of the Year

                                                      Diva of the Year

                                                      Weekly show of the Year

                                                       PPV show of the Year

                                                       OMG Moment of the Year

                                                       Commentator of the Year

                                                       Ring Annoncer of the Year

                                                        Match of the Year

                                                        Most Improved Wrestler of the Year

Všechny kategorii budou mít 4 nominace. Výsledky budou vyhlášeny 21.12.2011. Poté budete moci hlasovat pro WS Spawards podle fanoušků. Hlasovat budete moci od 22.12.2011 do 2.1.2012. S pozdravem Erik Šlotíř